MASSAGE, it's types, uses
This is one of the age old methods of treatment. It is known to have the following beneficial effects:
1. It increases the blood supply to the part.
2. It helps in the drainage of fluid from the affected part.
3. It provides muscular relaxation.
4. It decreases the chances of muscle atrophy.
5. It is helpful in the treatment of arthritis, sprains and contusions.
6. It is also helpful in the treatment of backaches.
Types These are five different types of massage:
• This consists of a superficial stroking towards the body or heart by slow, gentle and rhythmic movements.
The pressure exerted must be light and repeated in the same direction.
Depending upon the types of stroking, the following types are described:
a. Using tips of the fingers This is used to massage the joints.
b. Using the thumb Used between two muscles, between a muscle and tendon, interossei of the hand and feet.
c. Using one hand Used on the extremities, back of the head and neck.
d. Using both hands Used over chest, back, double neck massage or the lower limbs.
Deep stroking massage
• This technique involves striking in the same direction of flow of the lymph and venous blood.
• It is used to empty the contents of veins and lymph in their direction of flow.
• The muscles have to be relaxed while practicing this method.
• This consists of kneading, wringing, lifting or pressing a part to assist in the venous or lymphatic circulation.
• It helps in stretching the retracted muscles and tendons.
• It helps in stretching the adhesions.
• Here the part is pressed deeply in a circular direction with the hands.
• This loosens the deep adherent skin, scars or adhesions.
• It also helps in the absorption of effusions.
• It is used around hands, feet and face.
• It can also be given with the thumb, fingertips or hand.
Percussion (also called tapotement)
This is a method of rapid massaging with the hand.
Four types are described:
a. Beating with a clenched fist.
b. Tapping with tips of the fingers.
c. Beating with ulnar borders of the hand.
d. Clapping with the palms of your hands.