KLUMPKE’S PALSY, causes, sign and symptoms, Physiotherapy Management


Any lesion to the lower trunk of brachial plexus or to C8, T1 roots of the spinal cord.


• Breech delivery

• Traction and fall in the abducted arm

• Operation in the axilla

• Tumor in the apical lobe of the lung

• Enlarged cervical rib.

Signs and Symptoms


There will be loss of sensation over the medial aspect of the arm,forearm, hand and hypothenar eminence.


There will be paralysis of all the intrinsics of the hand along with wrist and finger flexors.


The patient will have claw hand deformity.

Functional Disability

  • As the patient will lack intrinsic plus grip or lubrical grip, the patient’s power grip is very inefficient. The skin will become very dry, scaly and the nails will become brittle.


• Stimulation

• Passive movements

• Massage

• Splintage: Knuckle bender splint is given for the hand.

• Strengthening exercises once the nerve gets innervated.


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